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Oil well investment scams

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6 Mar 2018 SEC Charges Texas Companies and Individuals in $11.7 Million Oil and Gas an $11.7 million offering fraud for oil drilling and operations projects investor proceeds, including false information about prospect wells, false  2 Nov 2013 No legitimate investment company cold calls potential clients. The firm sent a purchase order form, oil well commercial licence agreement,  19 Aug 2015 But unlike the rest, these companies target “suckers' lists” of vulnerable people for investment scams from wine to oil wells before vanishing. The enforcement actions relate to the Swisscash scheme as well as commodities futures involving crude palm oil and a more recent case involving gold futures. There are two primary methods of investing in oil and gas. through direct purchase of working interest in one or several wells where the investor This website details steps you can take to protect yourself from oil and gas investment scams. Corruption and fraud in the oil, gas and mining industries keeps poor countries poor and props up brutal regimes. Overinvestment in oil and gas creates risks for investors, regardless of whether the world is effective Oil drilling workers.jpg .

December 2015 - Seven Tips to Avoid Scams During Year-End Giving. SEC Investment Adviser Search - United States Securities and Exchange Commission  

If you think you’ve found the right oil or gas investment to “strike it rich,” consider this: it may be a scam. While some oil and gas investment opportunities are legitimate, many oil and gas ventures are frauds. Crude oil investment scams use recent news items, such as high oil or gas prices, to provide context for an opportunity and make it seem more appealing. “Can’t-Miss” Wells. No investment opportunities are completely safe and should not be pitched as such. If you are interested in investing in oil and gas wells, it’s essential to make sure you aren’t at risk of falling victim to a scam. An oil and gas investment can be a lucrative opportunity if you take the right steps and do your research before committing any funds. Oil and gas scams are most common in states like Texas and Oklahoma, where high oil prices create heightened interest in investing in energy-related business ventures. Whenever a highly-publicized economic situation creates an opportunity for legitimate money to be made, fraudsters follow in the shadows to take advantage. An Oil-Well Scam Drained Our Savings. Peggy and Sam Niblett were victims of a Ponzi scheme that cost hundreds of investors more than $65 million. The Nibletts mortgaged and paid off their potato farm three times, then lost the sale proceeds to a criminal.

2 Nov 2013 No legitimate investment company cold calls potential clients. The firm sent a purchase order form, oil well commercial licence agreement, 

8 Aug 2014 The Smiths told potential investors that certain wells were sure-fire investments, but these wells often produced no oil at all. In fact, some of the  26 Jan 2017 As the stock market heats up, and oil drilling kicks into gear, con artists are Stanford, accused of leading a $7 billion investment fraud scheme. 6 Mar 2018 SEC Charges Texas Companies and Individuals in $11.7 Million Oil and Gas an $11.7 million offering fraud for oil drilling and operations projects investor proceeds, including false information about prospect wells, false  2 Nov 2013 No legitimate investment company cold calls potential clients. The firm sent a purchase order form, oil well commercial licence agreement,  19 Aug 2015 But unlike the rest, these companies target “suckers' lists” of vulnerable people for investment scams from wine to oil wells before vanishing.

2 May 2013 Many scams shared the same themes. Investing to support drilling and completion operations. The SEC has investigated many oil and gas 

Crude oil investment scams use recent news items, such as high oil or gas prices, to provide context for an opportunity and make it seem more appealing. “Can’t-Miss” Wells. No investment opportunities are completely safe and should not be pitched as such.

Oil wells and energy investments are among new financial scams targeted to older Americans. Distressed real estate. So-called “investment pools” collect money 

26 Jan 2017 As the stock market heats up, and oil drilling kicks into gear, con artists are Stanford, accused of leading a $7 billion investment fraud scheme. 6 Mar 2018 SEC Charges Texas Companies and Individuals in $11.7 Million Oil and Gas an $11.7 million offering fraud for oil drilling and operations projects investor proceeds, including false information about prospect wells, false  2 Nov 2013 No legitimate investment company cold calls potential clients. The firm sent a purchase order form, oil well commercial licence agreement,  19 Aug 2015 But unlike the rest, these companies target “suckers' lists” of vulnerable people for investment scams from wine to oil wells before vanishing. The enforcement actions relate to the Swisscash scheme as well as commodities futures involving crude palm oil and a more recent case involving gold futures.